Friday, 2 May 2014

The Casino at Marino, Dublin, Ireland

On a rainy first day of Summer, I bought my little daughter on her first visit to the Casino at Marino. This Neo - Classical building was created for Lord Charlemont by the Scottish Architect, William Chambers, finishing in 1775 approximately. When I visited this building for the first time as a young adult, I was blown away by the illusion that it seems to house but one room, when you see it from the outside, but actually it has several. 16 in fact. My little one was treated to a story about the white mice who built Charlemont! The lovely man who told it, whose name I didn't catch, had a little box of treasures. In it, were beautifully illustrated pictures to tell the story, by his brother, Aidan McDermott, and at the end of the story, he showed her a little instrument that the "mice had made". She was fascinated and found the building wondrous. I'm so pleased to have given her a first glimpse of this amazing architecture. We'll be back, but for now, I'll leave you with these photo's: the first two are taken from Wikipedia and The Casino's Facebook page


  1. Lovely Hilda. The guide made it so appealing for Cara and yet so interesting. Love it. Can you believe I still haven't paid a visit. It is definitely on my list. Thanks for insight and photos. X

  2. So delighted you liked it, Sue & thanks so much for your lovely words! You will love every second of it, I am sure of it & their exhibition 'Paradise Lost' just opened xx
